Healing Through Storytelling

We all deserve the chance to share our narratives, and our experiences. We are evidence enough. 

At Project LETS, we aim to close the gap between impersonal research and lists of symptoms provided by clinicians. We want to express what it's really like to be mentally ill, disabled, neurodivergent, and/or living through or with trauma. There are a wide range of experiences and states associated with being mentally ill -- and we're here to explore them all.

The good, bad, and ugly. 

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Voice is important, and can make a critical difference when it comes to storytelling. Whether you'd like your narrative to be anonymous or not, we'd love to hear it and add it to our growing history of documenting mentally ill/disabled & neurodivergent histories of life and resistance. Here are some available options [all folks will be in-kind compensated for their participation]:

  • Phone Interview [Available to folks worldwide]
  • Skype Interview [Available to folks worldwide]
  • In-person interview [Available to folks in Rhode Island, New York City/Long Island, Boston, parts of Connecticut]