Impact Report + Data
Check out our Impact Report from our initial pilot model at Brown University. You can also read about our pilot data in Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare. Click here to read our chapter!
Check Out Our Work
Recently, we presented about Decolonizing Mental Health at Reb Psych 2020 + Alternative Crisis Response for Wisconsin Peer Specialists. Read about some of our work in Disability Justice and the Project of Abolition. More articles are listed below.
Political Education
Since 2020, we have directly reached over 25K people through our online live and self-paced trainings on crisis response skills, social aspects of suicide, carceral ableism, and practicing solidarity.
Campus Chapters
Since 2015, we have worked with over 50 campuses across the US and Canada, and built 10 PMHA programs. Our chapters have done profound work and we’re excited to see them grow in 2021!
“I had an incredible PMHA.”
Her impact made me want to impact someone else the same way by offering my time, expertise, and resources. I hope to gain a few new friends on campus and a sense of impact as both a mentor and an activist.
"I realized a tendency I have to fault myself when a system failed to meet my needs. For example, blaming myself for bad experiences with therapists or little responsiveness in terms of accommodations from the university. Learning about the progress to be made in systems of mental health care has been a relief, and definitely re-framed my perception about my ability to be helped and supported through different services I've used in the past."
- Brown University PMHA
When trying to solve the problem of lack of support for college students with mental illness, many people look to outsiders with specific credentials; but Project LETS believes that a solution lies with the very people who experience the problem. During this talk, Stefanie discusses: the founding of Project LETS, the Peer Mental Health Advocate (PMHA) program model, her experience with psychiatric disability and sexual assault, and integrating a social model of disability into mental health care treatment.