Peer Support 101


What is peer support?

  • Peer support is typically understood as people who share lived experience of a particular experience (whether that be with oppression, a mental health diagnosis, disability, trauma, neurodivergence, culture, ethnicity, etc.) supporting each other to meet our needs in mutually reciprocal relationships.

  • Peer support has existed informally in community for as long as we’ve been existing and talking to each other!

  • It exists inside and outside of the mental health system; inside and outside of the United States (example: The Friendship Bench in Zimbabwe) 

The history of peer support includes formal and informal organizations in community, such as The Young Lords 10 Point Health Program, the Black Panthers free acupuncture clinic and Madness Network News psychiatric survivor newspaper.

Peer support values at Project LETS

  • Partnerships

  • Non-judgmental 

  • Cultural humility 

  • Anti-oppression and equity

  • Voluntary, shared power & decision making

  • Centering connection

  • Self-determined options for care

  • Understand their worldview

  • Multiple ways of sense-making

Informed by Sonny Jane, the Lived Experience Educator