Current Opportunities for Involvement

Share your oral history. 

We are currently collecting oral histories from 3 categories:

  • Psychiatric/ECT Survivors 

  • Disabled, Mad, and neurodivergent students 

  • Folks who experienced medical neglect & gaslighting due to mental illness history

Reach out to to briefly share about your lived experience, and schedule and oral history interview. Interviews are paid. 

Volunteer as a Peer Support Advocate with our national organization.

We have a significant need for peer support, and a backlog of requests we’re working to get filled and move through from folks who want to work in 1:1 partnerships. We’re also getting a lot of advocacy requests (for example: folks who are experiencing psychiatric incarceration, students being discriminated against), and requests from folks looking for accurate resources about mental health treatment, such as inpatient or ECT. 

Currently, our peer support advocates: 

  1. Build 1:1 long-term relationships with peers and work with them consistently for long(er) periods of time. This could look like one 60-90 minute session per week, every other week, or shorter 30 minute sessions 3x a week. This is up to you and your peer to collectively determine and set boundaries. 

  2. Provide short-term rapid response support to people who are in temporary, emergency, and/or crisis situations. This could look like helping a friend of someone who has been involuntarily hospitalized, doing safety planning with someone who is actively suicidal, etc. 

  3. Engage in advocacy & resource support for people experiencing distress, harm, violence, within/from the mental health system or other carceral systems. This could look like: helping someone understand their rights, calling insurance companies, helping folks get connected to resources, answering general questions and concerns, etc. 

At this time, we are looking for folks who already have experience and training providing peer support outside of professionalized spaces; and who could start supporting folks ASAP. You’d have access to mentorship/supervision, resources and training materials, co-reflection spaces, etc. 

Email with interest, capacity, and relevant skills/experience. 

To go through our regular training process, apply here. We will be leading a virtual Peer Support Advocate training cohort in 2023, and will share more information as it becomes available.